Tuesday 24 April 2007



Virtual reality can be described as a powerful and compelling computer application with the help of which humans can interface and interact with computer generated environments in a manner that resembles real life and engages all the senses. Virtual reality is widely spread application in the entertainment industry but the real part of the application lies in the fields of medicine and engineering. In the present blog, I want to emphasize on the key features of virtual reality, the definition and technologies associated with it.

Definition of Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality (VR) is a technology, which enables the user to interact with a computer-simulated environment, the environment being a real or fictitious one. In general the environment of Virtual Reality (VR) is associated with visual experience, which one can view or can
be displayed on a computer screen or any other special display devices.
Certain standard input devices, for example the users for the ease of interacting with virtual environment ort a virtual artifact (VA) use a keyboard and a mouse.
U.S. Navy personnel using a VR parachute trainer

Virtual reality is a simulation in which computer graphics are used to create a realistic –looking world. The synthetic world is not static, but responds to the users
Input i.e., gesture and verbal communication, and this is a real time interactivity. Computer detects user’s input and modifies the virtual world. Virtual reality is both interactive and immersive. Apart from these two the third feature of Virtual Reality that fewer people are aware of is Imagination.
Figure(s)- 2(a) & (b):
Figure 2(a): The cover of The World Of Virtual Reality from Hattori[1991]

Figure2(b) :The three I’s of Virtual Reality –immersion-interaction-imagination

Due to technical limitations, high fidelity Virtual Reality experience becomes difficult to create, and moreover the simulated environment resembles the real world ones like the simulations for a pilot or combat training and the reality differs when one considers Virtual Reality games.

The origin of the term Virtual Reality is uncertain. Future of Virtual Reality cannot be precisely defined, where it is headed but it is said that Virtual Reality soon reaches a point of realism. Virtual Reality is moved into the realm of 3D sound with its audio capabilities and this technology is most likely to be used in the form of over ear headphones
Virtual Reality leads to a change in human life and activity like the integration of Virtual reality into daily life and will be used in various human ways. Numerous techniques are developed which influence human behaviors and cognition. VR environments are used to extend basic human rights into virtual space, to promote human freedom and
Well-being. [1]
Virtual Reality as Technology for Culture

In the following paragraphs I am going to present brief overview of VR technologies,
the Virtusphere and iwear VR920
A) Virtusphere:
Virtusphere is aVR technology, which enables a user to walk in 3D computer generated terrain. User starts walking on the VR goggles and climbs into the rig of the sphere. The movement of the sphere is then measured and translated into the movement of the real world. It is quite a surprising technology for the future gaming applications and the introduction of Virtusphere helped the VR technology users, so that they can leave back the standard input devices and get the utmost benefits and recreation from this exciting medium. Also Virtusphere allows the user to move into the virtual space with the help of natural movement, that is by walking. [2]
B) iwear VR920:
VR920 -- Shipping in April

Icuiti’s iwear VR920 is the winner of the 2007 CES innovations award. It is an self contained internet video eyewear display, which is known as the first communication tool for the internet, merging in visual and verbal communication. Online users can gain experience of virtual worlds and video ganes and is compatible with most 3D applications. [3]
Technical specifications are as follows:
Twin high-resolution 640x480 LCD displays with VGA support out to 1024*768; 24 bit true colour
62 inches virtual screens
Integrated 3 degree of freedom head tracker makes looking around as if we are there
Removable ear phones and plug and play with 3D stereo support
Can be worn with or without prescription glasses.
USB connectivity for power tracking and duplex audio. [4]

http://hackedgadgets.com/2006/06/05/virtusphere-totally-immersive-vr/VirtuSphere - Totally Immersive VR

Figure-1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_reality
Figure2(a): http://media.wiley.com/product_data/excerpt/99/04713608/0471360899.pdf
Figure2 (b): http://media.wiley.com/product_data/excerpt/99/04713608/0471360899.pdf
Figure-3: http://digiens.blogspot.com/2005/10/virtual-reality-as-technology-for.html
Figure-4: http://hackedgadgets.com/2006/06/05/virtusphere-totally-immersive-vr/
VirtuSphere - Totally Immersive VR
Figure-5: http://www.icuiti.net/vr920.html
Figure-6: http://www.maclife.com/article/special_report_game_developers_conference_wrap_up?page=0%2C1

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